By Asahan Punai Minggu, 28 Februari 2021 Potato The Secret Ingredient In A Black-Owned Sweet Potato Distillery: Faith. - Forbes
By Asahan Punai 13.51 Potato Mr. Potato Head is the latest weapon in the Fox News culture wars - CNN "The conversations about Mr. Potato Head and trans kids or whatever the culture war narrative is are a huge distraction," author ...
By Asahan Punai 07.51 Potato CPAC, Mr. Potato Head renaming: Darcy cartoon - CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The cartoon in this post was conceived and completed Friday, before I saw it reported that Donald Trump Jr. opened his C...
By Asahan Punai 07.32 Snack Snack Video, Haram karena Ada Unsur Penipuan - Islam NU Setidaknya ada beberapa pola transaksi pada aplikasi Snack Video (SV) yang akan dikaji dalam tulisan kali ini. Tentu saja, sejumlah penjelas...
By Asahan Punai 03.32 Snack Kenapa VTube, TikTok Cash dan Snack Video Dianggap Ilegal? Ini Penjelasannya - Kompas TV Aplikasi SnackVideo disebut ilegal oleh OJK karena ada indikasi permainan uang. (Sumber: Istimewa) JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Baru-baru ini, ...
By Asahan Punai Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021 Potato Potato Head is getting with the times. So should Congress - CNN Hasbro has announced it is dropping the gendered honorific "Mr." from the brand name of its popular Potato Head toy. The move, ...
By Asahan Punai 16.32 Snack Snack Video, Haram karena Ada Unsur Penipuan - Islam NU Setidaknya ada beberapa pola transaksi pada aplikasi Snack Video (SV) yang akan dikaji dalam tulisan kali ini. Tentu saja, sejumlah penjela...
By Asahan Punai 10.51 Potato Column: Genderless Potato Heads are no cause for panic - Los Angeles Times As someone with a three-story pink Barbie Dream House in the middle of her living room, I can tell you that I pay closer attention to gen...
By Asahan Punai 04.51 Potato Mr. Potato Head Brand Goes Gender Neutral (Sort Of) - The New York Times Hasbro is dropping the Mr. from the logo and overall brand to “promote gender equality and inclusion,” but clarified that Mr. and Mrs. Pota...
By Asahan Punai Jumat, 26 Februari 2021 Potato Don’t Blame Mr. Potato Head: What You Didn’t Know About The Gender Of Your Spud - Forbes T oymaking giant Hasbro engendered (ahem) controversy this week by announcing at its investor day that it was dropping the “Mr.” moniker fr...
By Asahan Punai 20.51 Potato Greeson: A hot Potato issue, Oreo stance splits social media, world-class failings at World Cup, obit observations - Chattanooga Times Free Press So, Mr. Potato Head is exploring the options of dropping his courtesy title . OK, why not. But why stop there? Let's go full bore and g...
By Asahan Punai 16.51 Potato How Potato Head’s half-baked rollout could hurt the brand - The matter illustrates how companies must allign their corporate and consumer communications. Karen Doyne, president of Doyne Strategies, ...
By Asahan Punai 09.32 Snack Alasan Mengapa Vtube, TikTok Cash, dan Snack Video Dianggap Ilegal Halaman all - - Tekno - Aplikasi Vtube , TikTok Cash, dan Snack Video belakangan menjadi topik yang hangat diperbincangan di media sosial. Pasalnya k...
By Asahan Punai 08.32 Snack Snack dari Amerika - IDN Times Bersantai rasanya kurang lengkap jika hanya berdiam diri tanpa ditemani dengan makanan lezat. Snack merupakan hidangan wajib ada untuk menj...
By Asahan Punai 07.51 Potato Want to learn more about potatoes? - AG Week The U.S. potato industry likes to say that its product is "America's favorite vegetable." Now, Potatoes USA, the industry...
By Asahan Punai 06.51 Potato Mr. Potato Head Brand Goes Gender Neutral (Sort Of) - The New York Times Hasbro is dropping the Mr. from the logo and overall brand to “promote gender equality and inclusion,” but clarified that Mr. and Mrs. Pota...